Mark and Diane's Bird Sanctuary in the Texas Hill Country


There are a lot of pics and videos of songbirds, particularly

Canyon Wrens and turkeys, under the Birds button. Also baby Painted Bunting

nest videos! Some cool Critter pics and videos under that button.

This webste is not built for small screens- sorry

****** If you have not heard a Canyon Wren sing, click the Videos button ******

****** below and listen to the first audio. They are one of the best! ******

If you are interested in Organic Peaches- frozen or fresh, email us

Beautiful Painted Bunting " Baby
Painted Bunting male. Six pairs nested at Bird Oasis in '21 and '22.
They return each year.

Hummingbird " Buffet
Green Violet-ear Hummer. Very elusive and rare in TX.
Stayed here 2 years- 5/10-7/11 2020, 5/7-7/19 2021
Stayed in the same tree. Likes the Standing Cypress.

Hummingbird " Buffet
Hummingbird Buffet

Canyon Wren " Baby
Canyon Wren baby just fledged and leaving the "shop cave"

Canyon Wren " Baby
This turkey mom "displayed" like a tom, and two of her babies imitated her!

Painted " Bunting
Painted Bunting eating Signal Grass seed

Painted Bunting babies " baby
Brand new Painted Bunting babies in our blackberry patch 5/28/20.

Painted " Bunting
Millet feeders for fall migrating Painted Buntings and Blue Grosbeaks

Armadillo taking a bath!
This guy "dropped in" and rolled over- see critter album
Jan 23- Armadillo movies coming soon.

Go to the Birds link for more Canyon Wren, Painted Bunting and other neat bird photos

CLICK to enlarge below photos.

the sunrise

Sunrise at Bird Oasis

the moonrise

Moonrise at Bird Oasis

Our family

Our Family

<div class="header2">Here are Several Galleries of Our Birds</div> <div class="tablewrap"> <table id="table2"> <tr> <td> <a href="albums/bird_babies/album/index.html"> <img src="albums/bird_babies/album/thumbs/atfl0366.JPG" alt="Baby Birds" title="Click for Gallery"/></a> <p style="text-align:center"> Baby Birds </p> </td> <td> <a href="albums/turkeys/album/index.html"> <img src="albums/turkeys/album/thumbs/IMGP0113.JPG" alt="Turkeys" title="Click for Gallery"/></a> <p style="text-align:center"> Turkeys </p> </td> <td> <a href="albums/birds/album/index.html"> <img src="photos/pabu0876crop.jpg" alt="Pretty Birds" title="Click for Gallery"/></a> <p style="text-align:center"> Pretty Birds </p> </td> <td> <a href="albums/cw/album/index.html"> <img src="photos/IMGP0759rsz.jpg" alt="Canyon Wrens" title="Click for Gallery"/></a> <p style="text-align:center"> Canyon Wrens at Bird Oasis </p> </td> <td> <a href="albums/hummers/album/index.html"> <img src="albums/hummers/album/thumbs/hum_IMGP0891.JPG" alt="Hummingbirds" title="Click for Gallery/"/></a> <p style="text-align:center"> Hummingbirds </p> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <p style="text-align:center"> <a href="">Here is a link to the Cornell site that has a sound clip of the Canyon Wren's beautiful song</a> <br /> <br /> <a href="birdlist.html">Here is our bird list for Bird Oasis</a> <br /> </p> <p style="text-align:center"> <a href="info.html">Click here for Contact Info </a> <br /> </p> <div class="header2">This is the No-Frames version of our website. The frames version has more information. </div>